Collaborative Adaptive Management (CAM)

The goal of the collaborative adaptive management process is to improve water quality in Hinkson Creek by using a science based approach guided by a local stakeholder committee. It will assess the entire stream system,

including the creek and other parts of the watershed. Improving the ecosystem should help support the return of the biological community to a fully functioning level as well as addressing other pollutants

that may be contribution to water quality issues.

The Collaborative Adaptive Management (CAM) approach allows a wide range of actions to be investigated. Each of these actions is expected to contribute to reaching the water quality goals;

some of these activities may reduce peak stormwater runoff, others  may reduce the pollution in the runoff; under Collaborative Adaptive Management (CAM) both can contribute to the solution by improving the

water quality and supporting the biological community. By learning as we implement actions, we hope to find the most effective approach(es) to address the water quality challenges in the watershed.