Stormwater PSA Video Contest

TMDL Information

Stormwater 101

Watershed Events

Information Clearinghouse

Low Impact Development

Show-Me Yards & Neighborhoods

Do I live in the Hinkson Creek Watershed?

Rain Gardens

Calendar of Events

Report a Spill/ Poor Erosion Control

Stakeholder Committee






Total Maximum Daily Load


A TMDL, or Total Maximum Daily Load, identifies the amount of pollutant that a waterbody can absorb without violating water quality standards for drinking, swimming, and other uses.

The pollutants of Hinkson Creek are unknown at this time, and the impairment is listed as urban runoff.

The impaired section on Hinkson Creek begins at I-70 and flows 14 miles through the City of Columbia to where Hinkson Creek joins Perche Creek.


                                                              - - - Impaired Section  


Draft Hinkson Creek TMDL


Additional Resources

What are TMDL's Fact Sheet   PDF

Hinkson Creek TMDL Information Sheet   PDF

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency TMDL Website

Comming Soon

Hinkson Creek TMDL Fact Sheet