Stormwater PSA Video Contest

TMDL Information

Stormwater 101

Watershed Events

Information Clearinghouse

Low Impact Development

Show-Me Yards & Neighborhoods

Do I Live in the Hinkson Creek Watershed?

Rain Gardens

Calendar of Events

Report a Spill/ Poor Erosion Control

Stakeholder Committee







Watershed Events


Treescape Design Workshop:  The workshop was held Friday, April 9, 2010.  We had around 20 people attend the lecture, walking tour and lunch.  Ann Koenig, a Forester with the Department of Conservation spoke about protecting trees during construction.  Steve Rhoades, a Senior Landscape Architect, and Lisa Treese, a Landscape Designer, both with Patti Banks Associates out of Kansas City, discussed how to use existing trees as design elements in the site plan.  Our last speaker was Chad Herwald, the City of Columbia's Forester, who discussed tree species that thrive in the urban environment.  Chad then led us on a walking tour of the downtown Columbia area where we looked at trees the City used and discussed some design elements for the trees used. We ended our morning with lunch at The Rome Restaurant, which was fantastic!  Everyone enjoyed themselves and had good discussions about trees and site designs.  Hopefully some good contacts were made for all, and the Hinkson Project thanks you for attending.


Stormwater Public Service Announcement Video Contest : Boone County students and residents were invited to create and submit public service announcements to educate the public on stormwater and water pollution issues. The contest ended on February 19, and the videos were judged by a panel of stormwater experts on March 9.  The videos will be aired on local television stations, in local movie theaters, on educational websites and in kiosks during events.  More information on the contest, including the contest rules, can be found on our Stormwater PSA Video Contest page.


Tree Planting at Eastport Park: On October 3, 2009, the city of Columbia and the TreeKeepers partnered with the Hinkson Creek Watershed Restoration Project to plant trees to satisfy a grant requirement.  We planted 20 trees each of Northern Redbud, Persimmon, Pin Oak, and Swamp White Oak.  19 Kentucky Coffee trees were planted as well.

The site is located at Eastport Park, which is at the intersection of Port Way and Murfreesboro Dr.  The site is situated next to the Grindstone Creek, which is an impaired tributary to Hinkson Creek.

The planting site before planting:


The planting site on October 3, 2009:



We installed CU-structural soils and a GrassPave system at a demonstration event at the Boone County Courthouse grounds on May 13, 2009 . We had good attendance, good speakers, and even good weather. We even had a good article in the paper:    More information from the event, including the presentation on MU's use of structural soil, can be found under our "Low Impact Development" page.