Stormwater PSA Video Contest

TMDL Information

Stormwater 101

Watershed Events

Information Clearinghouse

Low Impact Development

Show-Me Yards & Neighborhoods

Do I live in the Hinkson Creek Watershed?

Rain Gardens

Calendar of Events

Report a Spill/ Poor Erosion Control

Stakeholder Committee






Report Pollution or Erosion Problems


Storm drains connect runoff from streets (and sometimes other areas) with our local streams. Unfortunately, some believe these drains are connected with the municipal sewer system. Since these drains have become the "headwaters" of many of our urban streams, it is important to keep them clean. It is ILLEGAL to put anything other than stormwater into these drains. If you see something being dumped into a storm drain, or a local creek within city limits, please report it to the city by callingĀ  445-9427 or clicking here.

Erosion of our soils into streams can kill or stress aquatic life within the stream. When one or more acres of land are cleared of vegetation, a land disturbance permit must be obtained from the Department of Natural Resources or City of Columbia. Silt fences, rock check dams, or other erosion prevention devices should be installed to keep soil onsite. If soil is eroding offsite or into a stream within Columbia, call Columbia Public Works Dept at 874-7250.

To report a spill in any creek, or erosion of soil offsite within Boone County,

contact the Department of Natural Resources, Northeast Regional Office at
(660) 385-8000
(660) 385-8090 fax