Stormwater PSA Video Contest

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Fall 2010 Stormwater Public Service Announcement Video Contest

Calling All Filmmakers! The Hinkson Creek Watershed Restoration Project is sponsoring it's second Stormwater Public Service Announcement Video Contest.  Boone County students and residents are invited to create and submit public service announcements to educate the public on stormwater and water pollution issues. Things have changed!  This time around we will only be accepting videos 30 seconds or less. We have also divided the contest into two divisions: Under 18 and 18 and Over.  The contest will end at 5:00 pm on October 12.  The videos will be judged and a reception will be held to recognize the first and second place winners in each group.

$500 will be awarded for first place and $250 will be awarded for second place in each division.  Videos will be shown in local movie theaters, on television and during educational events.

Fall 2010 Stormwater PSA Video Contest Guidelines

Video Size Specifications Sheet


Spring 2010 Stormwater Public Service Announcement Video Contest : Boone County students and residents were invited to create and submit public service announcements to educate the public on stormwater and water pollution issues. Two categories were offered.  The first, a 30 Second or Less Short PSA, received four entries.  The second, a 1-3 Minute Short Film PSA, received three entries.  The contest ended on February 19, and the videos were judged by a panel of stormwater experts on March 9.  First and second place videos will be shown and prizes awarded during a reception in April.

The first place winner in the Short PSA category was Justin Gregory, 36, of Columbia, whose video was titled “Think”.  Second place went to Serge Abellard, 24, of Columbia, whose video was titled “Keep our Creek Clean." 

The first place winner in the 1-3 Minute Short Film PSA was Serge Abellard, 24, of Columbia, whose video was titled "Facts About Water Pollution."  There was a tie for second place between Julian Segert, 15, of Columbia and Hallie Blanchard, 17, of Hartsburg.  Segert's video was titled "Hinkson Creek - How You Can Stop Water Pollution."  Blanchard's video was titled "What's a Watershed?" 

Winners in each category will receive $500.00, while second place winners in each category will receive $250.00.  Additionally, the videos will be aired on local television stations, in local movie theaters, on educational websites and in kiosks during events.  Please click on the link to the left to view the guidelines, rules, possible topics, entry and release forms.  We will try to have the videos posted shortly.

2010 Spring Stomwater PSA Video Contest Guidelines

Video Specifications Sheet