Do I Live in the Hinkson Creek Watershed? Report a Spill/ Poor Erosion Control
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The Crossing ChurchThe Crossing church landscaping was designed by Leszek Vincent and Trent Stober, two congregation members. The building site had an old pond with a "peninsula" that spanned halway across the pond. Another peninsula was installed to give stormwater entering from the parking lot a sinuous pathway into the pond. The sides of the pond were then planted in emergent wetland plants that help cleanse the stormwater as it passed through.
In the summer of 2006 the rocks forming the new peninsula were placed and the area was regraded and then planted. Stormwater from inlet pipes in the parking lot discharges into the shallow sinuous wetland "forebay" that was created by the two peninsulas. Some water sheetflows across the parking lot and is delivered to the wetland via a bioswale.
The area surrounding the lake is being converted to native wildflowers, and a path now winds its way around the pond. The tall native plants and shrubs serve to repel Canada geese, which were a major source of nutrients polluting the pond.