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United Methodist Conference Center

The United Methodist Conference Center was designed by Peckham & Wright Architects. The building itself incorporates many "green" features, and the landscaping was desired to reflect this philosophy. Ann Wakeman of Rockpost Wildflower Nursery designed the landscaping plan using native missouri plants. 

In April 2006 volunteers helped plant the native wildflowers into the landscaping of the central treatment wetland. The parking area around the wetland sheetflows into the basin, and underground pipes drain other parts of the site and deliver the stormwater into the wetland basin. Water percolates into an underdrain within the basin, which then is slowly released to the stormdrain.

Smaller raingardens surround the building and filter runoff before entering the central treatment wetland. The stormwater features integrate well with the building layout. The picture above right was taken during the third growing season.