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West Boulevard Elementary School

The West Boulevard Elementary School wetland was designed by Scott Hamilton, with the Hinkson Creek Watershed Restoration Project. Planting and maintenance were accomplished by the Mid-missouri Master Naturalists and the students and faculty of West Elementary. The area where the wetland was installed was a blank spot on the landscape that wasn't used by kids because it was not part of the playground area. The site received run-off from a parking lot, and was often wet, and had started to erode. Through an initiative started by the Forest Service, bird habitat was being created at the school, and a source of water was desired. The treatment wetland seemed to fit the bill.

In the spring of 2007 volunteers began digging, mulching, laying rock, and planting. Water from the parking lot now flows from the parking lot into the wetland via a rock-lined swale. Once the plants were installed, rains filled the basin. Dragonfly larva, damselfly larva, and topminnows were added to prevent mosquitoes from breeding. Toads, frogs, water striders, water boatmen and many other critters have found their way to the wetland since.

The site is now used as an outdoor classroom, and is an attractive feature for all to enjoy.